Friday, September 26, 2008
Five Stages of Violent Crime
"...There is a big difference between self-defense and personal safety...."There is a big difference between self-defense
and personal safety. Self defense is
on the fact that you are in a very bad place
to begin with. Things have already gone to
hell in
a hand basket. As such, self defenses
is making sure the situation doesn't
get any worse -- it is damage control,
pure and simple. However, no damage control
is EVER as good as preventing the problem
in the first place. That's
personal safety...
Five Stages of Violent CrimeThe Five Stages
of Violent Crime is an internationally recognized system to identify
if -- and determine when and if -- you are being set up for a crime or
violence. The information contained on this page is from DVD/video,
Street Safe: How to Recognize and Avoid Violent Crime. It is used by police, military and firearms instructors around the world as a training and teaching tool. Also the system
is taught internationally in self defense and crime prevention courses(1).
While we strongly advocate awareness
and avoidance as a primary means for personal safety sometimes that isn't enough. The Five Stages of Violent Crime has
been tested in court as an easily explainable standard by which individuals determined if they were legally justified to use
self defense tactics. Remember, when it comes to violence there are usually
legal repercussions. Therefore we strongly advocate you know when you are justified to
use force.
The Five Stages of Violent Crime:Crime and violence are
processes that take time to develop. The attack is not the first step, the preliminary triangle must be built. There are five distinct
stages that are easily identified:
ReactionDuring the first three stages, you can prevent an attack without the use of violence. These are where the criminal
(or violent person) decides whether or not he can get away with it. He may want to (Intent), but if he doesn't have the
opportunity (Positioning) he cannot succeed. The Interview is his way to double check if you are safe for him to attack. If
these conditions are not met, he will not attack!
What we are about to say is not hyperbole. Selecting a safe victim
is a matter of life or death for the criminal. If he picks the wrong target, he's the one who is going to die. Therefore,
he's going to make sure he can successfully use violence against you (Interview and Positioning) before he commits himself
to act. Once he is sure of his ability to succeed -- and has put you in a position where he can quickly overwhelm you -- he
will attack.
Below is a shorthand version of the five stages. Each is linked to a more in-depth look at the subject:
IntentThis is where the person crosses a normal mental boundary. From this point, the person is mentally and physically
prepared to commit violence in order to get what he wants - whatever that may be. Being able to recognize when intent is present
is one of the key components of your personal safety. yet, this isn't always easy as you might think. The criminal has
often learned how to mask it behind words and feigned innocence. But once you know how to spot the physiological signs, it
is easily recognizable. Learn more about intent.
InterviewWith all violence, the assailant's safety is a critical factor in deciding whether or not to attack. While
in interpersonal violence, the deciding factor may be
anger, strong emotion or
pride. However, with criminal violence it is more of a conscious decision. This leads us to the interview, where the criminal decides
upon your suitability as a victim. There are several kinds of
interviews common to criminal attacks
PositioningThis is the criminal putting himself in a place where he can successfully attack you. A criminal (or even a
violent person) doesn't want to fight you; he wants to overwhelm you. To do this, he has to put himself in a position
where he can do it quickly and effectively. An attempt to develop positioning is the final proof of ill intent. Someone trying
to position himself to attack removes all doubt that the situation is innocent. Like the Interview, there are several kinds
of Positioning.
AttackThe attack is the when the criminal/violent person commits himself to using force -- or the threat of force
-- to get what he wants. Like the other stages there are important distinctions to be made about the kind of attack you will
ReactionReaction is how the criminal feels about what he has done. However, this is made more complicated by the fact
that your reaction is an important contributing factor.
AOI (Short-hand version) What follows is a parallel system to the Five Stages of Violent Crime. AOI stands for Ability, Opportunity and Intent. Although
not as complete as the Five Stages, it will give you a quick-rule-of-thumb set of standards to determine whether or not you
are in danger. While the Five Stages is more complete, for people who are not particularly interested in self-defense, AOI
is a nice set of fast and easy guidelines. We present both models for you to select which works best for you.
is a concept called the triangle among firefighters. Along each side is an element that a fire needs in order to burn. If
you take away one of these elements, the triangle collapses and the fire goes out. Crime is the same: In order for it to occur,
there must be three basic elements
This is easily remembered as A.O.I. (Ability, Opportunity and Intent). Take
away any one of these elements and the triangle collapses. In other words, the crime does not have what it needs to occur.
Ability: Does the person have the ability to attack you? Could this person successfully assault you,
whether through physical prowess, a weapon or numerical superiority? Many women underestimate male upper-body strength and
how vulnerable they are to being
physically overwhelmed.
Opportunity: Does this person have the opportunity to attack you? Are you alone with him or
even in an area beyond immediate help? Could anyone come to your assistance within twenty seconds or less? As many victims
have found, you can be robbed in plain view or raped with people in the next room.
Intent: Is
he in a mental place where using violence to get what he wants makes sense to him?
Of the three, intent is the most nebulous,
yet it is vital for determining who is a threat. It is the literally the difference between going off with someone to talk
and being raped. Skip over to Intent page and to the
profile of a rapist. Acquainting yourself with the
criminal mindset is also highly recommended.
The fastest way to figure out if you are in potential danger is to look for these
three elements. If you see one, look for the others. If you see two out of three stop whatever else you are doing and pay
close attention for a moment. If you see him trying to develop the third,
withdraw from the situation to a safer area. This is easier than using
physical violence. As you will soon see, opportunity often means staying in an area where someone could
effectively use physical violence against you. If you do not see these elements then odds are you are safe. There is no triangle.
If you wish to adhere to a
more legally sanctioned idea, you can exchange the I of Intent for a K of Known (for known dangerous behavior = jeopardy).
This turns it into the acronym A-OK. Which might be easier for someone to remember.
ConclusionKnowing the five stages is a standardized guide by which you can assess the potential threat of a situation. These five
stages are inherent within crime and violence. What is important to realize is that the first three stages might not occur
in that particular order.
A violent and selfish person may suddenly find himself with the perfect opportunity/ability to commit a rape, and suddenly the intent appears. There was
no conscious initial decision, but the circumstances developed. Due to an
intrinsic flaw in his personality, he can decide to act in a violent manner. This is why you always need to check for ability, opportunity and intent (AOI).
As stated the
Pyramid of Personal Safety was developed to counter the Five Stages. As the criminal must develop these stages in order to successfully attack you, the
pyramid undermines his attempts. By foiling him instead attempting to contest him, you can avoid using violence in all but
the most extreme circumstances.
Two major problems exist regarding self-defense. The first is knowing when to use
it. How do we know when is the right time? How can we be sure we are not overreacting or starting at shadows? We should all
have reservations about using force. Much of this confusion is alleviated by having a proven and external set of standards
to compare a situation against. If you don't see the triangle, it is not the time to use violence.
The other
problem with self-defense is the
legal ramifications. In many states, you risk being prosecuted for "attempted self-defense," both on a criminal and civil front. What
was an obvious threat at the time can be later undermined in court by an attorney. When the DA asks how you knew you were
in immediate danger you had better have a better answer than "he looked at me mean."
If you end up in
court to defend your defending yourself, either system will help you clarify and rationally explain why you thought your actions
were warranted.
Street Safe shows you what has been discussed on this page.
1)LEGAL WARNING: This is a condensed version
of information found in my book,
Safe in the City and the video/DVD
Street Safe/Safe in the Streets. While it is offered to the general public for personal use, it (like everything else on this Web site) is copyrighted and
registered material. Commercial dissemination of this system without
express permission from, or credit to, the author constitutes infringement.
11:00 am edt
Monday, September 8, 2008
Road Delays, don't be late
Both State Roads 129 & 247 are being
resurfaced at the same time. This construction will result in lane closures, [down to 1 lane roads] from now
through Dec. 08'. Keep this in mind and allow extra time when traveling to class.
9:13 am edt
Friday, September 5, 2008
ADHD It's not just for adults.
Are You an ADHD Adult?
It’s Not Just a Kids Disorder
By Edward C. Geehr, MD
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Got the lunches made. Oops, forgot to let the dog out. Need to pick up the dry cleaning. Michael’s hair is a mess.
Do I have to take the car in today? I’ll need to reschedule my manicure. Anyone seen my keys? Is the carpool here already?
If this scatter of thoughts seems familiar, you may be one of the estimated six to 15 million adults with ADHD…Your
inattention and restlessness may not only be the quirks of your personality. You may have ADHD (attention-deficit / hyperactivity
disorder), a behavioral disorder that most of us associate with unruly children. But, in fact, about 65% of children with
ADHD carry the disorder into adulthood, making it an adult problem as well.Although ADHD adults may develop better coping
skills than they had as children, they still struggle to get through the day. Not only does ADHD interfere with organizing
and completing daily tasks, but adults with the disorder are also prone to depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, and even an
increased risk of divorce and car accidents. Even simple duties may demand great concentration and effort. In part, that’s
because ADHD adults are easily distracted by sound, sight, or even touch. Whatever the stimulus, ADHD adults may be knocked
off-course by even minor distractions.
The three core symptoms of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity and impulsive
behavior. The symptoms of inattention include losing track of thoughts or focus in the middle of tasks; missing details or
making careless mistakes; inability to complete work assignments; forgetfulness; and difficulty following instructions.The
symptoms of hyperactivity in adults are similar to those in children but more subtle: constantly shifting in a chair, tapping
your feet or a pencil, playing or tugging at hair or clothing. Even those aware of their repetitive motions may be unable
to stop.Impulsive behavior can be even more annoying in adults than in kids – and potentially dangerous. ADHD adults
tend to bug the rest of us: We wish they would “grow up.” They tend to interrupt constantly or blurt out inappropriate
comments. They can’t stand waiting in lines and may try to cut in front or find a “friend” near the head
of the line. They also have trouble anticipating the consequences of their actions. Although this lack of foresight in children
can be disruptive, in adults it can threaten families, jobs and even safety. A young ADHD adult paired with a car can be a
dangerous combination.
In the workplace, ADHD can erode performance. Some people with ADHD change jobs often or
have trouble holding a job. The way they handle tasks shifts from one to the next: One assignment is done well, but the next
is late, poorly done or incomplete. The ADHD adult feels like he breezes through some tasks but he can’t get any traction
on or stay interested in others. Co-workers are puzzled by this variability, often attributing it to personal problems or
even substance abuse.Unfortunately, scientists don’t yet know the cause of ADHD and laboratory tests can’t confirm
a diagnosis. They do know, however, that the disorder runs in families. If you have a parent with the disorder, you have more
than a 50% chance of having it as well. If you have a child with ADHD, you have a 25% chance of already having the disorder
yourself. Unlike childhood ADHD, which affects three times as many boys as girls, adult ADHD is more democratic, evenly distributing
itself between genders.Doctors diagnose ADHD based on family, developmental and childhood history, current signs and symptoms.
Still, ruling out potentially serious and/or treatable neurological disorders that can mimic ADHD symptoms, such as Tourette’s
Syndrome, temporal lobe seizures, early stage brain tumor, elevated blood lead levels, hypo- or hyperthyroidism, and hearing
or vision impairment, is important.Most workups for detecting ADHD include a physical exam. Some doctors will also request
an EEG (electroencephalogram, which records the electrical activity of the brain), CT (computed tomography, or x-ray procedure,
that records cross-sectional pictures of parts of the body, in this case the brain) or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging, a
diagnostic technique that produces cross-sectional images of any body part, in this instance the brain) to rule out other
ADHD has no cure. Fortunately, several drug treatments – primarily stimulants – are effective
for both children and adults. Approximately two-thirds of ADHD adults taking stimulants experience significant improvements.
And the drugs take effect fast, a remarkable finding. Few medications have such a profound and immediate effect. Unfortunately,
most stimulants wear off quickly each day, returning adults to their usual difficulty of completing tasks and staying focused.
Many ADHD adults turn to coffee. In fact, some can’t do without it; caffeine’s stimulating effect helps them focus
and stay on task. In fact, some get so much relief from coffee that they become caffeine abusers, drinking excessive amounts
of coffee each day.Stimulant medications, also called psychostimulants, include Ritalin® and Ritalin LA®, Methylin®,
Metadate®, Concerta®, and Adderall® and Adderall XR®. Several of these brands offer long-acting formulations
to reduce the need for frequent dosing. Only Adderall XR® is indicated for the treatment of ADHD in children, adolescents
and adults.Non-stimulant medications are also available, including Wellbutrin® and Straterra®. Available since 2003,
Straterra® is the first non-stimulant medication approved to control ADHD symptoms in children, adolescents and adults.
Wellbutrin® is sometimes used “off-label” for treatment of combined conditions such as ADHD and depression.
Off-label means that doctors prescribe the drug for disorders not officially approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA).Adults
can also complement any drug therapy by using a few coping strategies. These include taking medications as directed (don’t
double up if you miss a dose); making lists of tasks and keeping them nearby; taking a deep breath or excusing yourself from
situations when you feel tempted to act out or interrupt; recognizing and minimizing stimuli that distract you (sounds, sights
and physical sensations); and engaging in activities that you find calming or comforting such as gardening, walking or cooking.
Here are some questions to consider if you think you may have ADHD:
Does your mind wander while you are working
on a task?
Are you easily distracted?
Do you tend to start a project and have difficulty completing it?
your attention stray in the middle of a conversation?
Are you forgetful about appointments and regular events?
you have difficulty relaxing?
Are you impatient when you need to wait?
Do you fidget and shift constantly in your
Do you commonly lose track of keys, purses and other items?
Do you interrupt others before they finish speaking?
Is it difficult for you to manage or resolve conflicts?
If these issues sound familiar, you may want to consult a healthcare
Resources:National Resource Center on ADHD Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity
Disorder ( Deficit Information Network, Inc.
6:33 am edt
Borderline Personality Disorder
I had never heard of this syndrome before. Kirk Beck, previously a private student of mine sent this article to Lee Wedlake.
That is how I found out about it. It may be of interest to some of you. Tim
Borderline Personality Disorder
Raising questions, finding answers
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness characterized
by pervasive instability in moods, interpersonal relationships, self-image, and behavior. This instability often disrupts
family and work life, long-term planning, and the individual's sense of self-identity. Originally thought to be at the
"borderline" of psychosis, people with BPD suffer from a disorder of emotion regulation. While less well known than
schizophrenia or bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness), BPD is more common, affecting 2 percent of adults, mostly young
women.1 There is a high rate of self-injury without suicide intent, as well as a significant rate of suicide attempts and
completed suicide in severe cases.2,3 Patients often need extensive mental health services, and account for 20 percent of
psychiatric hospitalizations.4 Yet, with help, many improve over time and are eventually able to lead productive lives.
While a person with depression or bipolar disorder typically endures the same mood for weeks, a person
with BPD may experience intense bouts of anger, depression, and anxiety that may last only hours, or at most a day.5 These
may be associated with episodes of impulsive aggression, self-injury, and drug or alcohol abuse. Distortions in cognition
and sense of self can lead to frequent changes in long-term goals, career plans, jobs, friendships, gender identity, and values.
Sometimes people with BPD view themselves as fundamentally bad, or unworthy. They may feel unfairly misunderstood or mistreated,
bored, empty, and have little idea who they are. Such symptoms are most acute when people with BPD feel isolated and lacking
in social support, and may result in frantic efforts to avoid being alone.
People with BPD often have highly unstable
patterns of social relationships. While they can develop intense but stormy attachments, their attitudes towards family, friends,
and loved ones may suddenly shift from idealization (great admiration and love) to devaluation (intense anger and dislike).
Thus, they may form an immediate attachment and idealize the other person, but when a slight separation or conflict occurs,
they switch unexpectedly to the other extreme and angrily accuse the other person of not caring for them at all. Even with
family members, individuals with BPD are highly sensitive to rejection, reacting with anger and distress to such mild separations
as a vacation, a business trip, or a sudden change in plans. These fears of abandonment seem to be related to difficulties
feeling emotionally connected to important persons when they are physically absent, leaving the individual with BPD feeling
lost and perhaps worthless. Suicide threats and attempts may occur along with anger at perceived abandonment and disappointments.
People with BPD exhibit other impulsive behaviors, such as excessive spending, binge eating and risky sex. BPD often
occurs together with other psychiatric problems, particularly bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse,
and other personality disorders.
Treatments for BPD have improved in recent years. Group and individual
psychotherapy are at least partially effective for many patients. Within the past 15 years, a new psychosocial treatment termed
dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) was developed specifically to treat BPD, and this technique has looked promising in treatment
studies.6 Pharmacological treatments are often prescribed based on specific target symptoms shown by the individual patient.
Antidepressant drugs and mood stabilizers may be helpful for depressed and/or labile mood. Antipsychotic drugs may also be
used when there are distortions in thinking.7
Recent Research Findings
Although the cause of BPD is unknown,
both environmental and genetic factors are thought to play a role in predisposing patients to BPD symptoms and traits. Studies
show that many, but not all individuals with BPD report a history of abuse, neglect, or separation as young children.8 Forty
to 71 percent of BPD patients report having been sexually abused, usually by a non-caregiver.9 Researchers believe that BPD
results from a combination of individual vulnerability to environmental stress, neglect or abuse as young children, and a
series of events that trigger the onset of the disorder as young adults. Adults with BPD are also considerably more likely
to be the victim of violence, including rape and other crimes. This may result from both harmful environments as well as impulsivity
and poor judgement in choosing partners and lifestyles.
NIMH-funded neuroscience research is revealing brain mechanisms
underlying the impulsivity, mood instability, aggression, anger, and negative emotion seen in BPD. Studies suggest that people
predisposed to impulsive aggression have impaired regulation of the neural circuits that modulate emotion.10 The amygdala,
a small almond-shaped structure deep inside the brain, is an important component of the circuit that regulates negative emotion.
In response to signals from other brain centers indicating a perceived threat, it marshals fear and arousal. This might be
more pronounced under the influence of drugs like alcohol, or stress. Areas in the front of the brain (pre-frontal area) act
to dampen the activity of this circuit. Recent brain imaging studies show that individual differences in the ability to activate
regions of the prefrontal cerebral cortex thought to be involved in inhibitory activity predict the ability to suppress negative
Serotonin, norepinephrine and acetylcholine are among the chemical messengers in these circuits that
play a role in the regulation of emotions, including sadness, anger, anxiety, and irritability. Drugs that enhance brain serotonin
function may improve emotional symptoms in BPD. Likewise, mood-stabilizing drugs that are known to enhance the activity of
GABA, the brain's major inhibitory neurotransmitter, may help people who experience BPD-like mood swings. Such brain-based
vulnerabilities can be managed with help from behavioral interventions and medications, much like people manage susceptibility
to diabetes or high blood pressure.7
Future Progress
Studies that translate basic findings about the neural
basis of temperament, mood regulation, and cognition into clinically relevant insights�which bear directly
on BPD�represent a growing area of NIMH-supported research. Research is also underway to test the efficacy
of combining medications with behavioral treatments like DBT, and gauging the effect of childhood abuse and other stress in
BPD on brain hormones. Data from the first prospective, longitudinal study of BPD, which began in the early 1990s, is expected
to reveal how treatment affects the course of the illness. It will also pinpoint specific environmental factors and personality
traits that predict a more favorable outcome. The Institute is also collaborating with a private foundation to help attract
new researchers to develop a better understanding and better treatment for BPD.
1Swartz M, Blazer
D, George L, Winfield I. Estimating the prevalence of borderline personality disorder in the community. Journal of Personality
Disorders, 1990; 4(3): 257-72.
2Soloff PH, Lis JA, Kelly T, Cornelius J, Ulrich R. Self-mutilation and suicidal
behavior in borderline personality disorder. Journal of Personality Disorders, 1994; 8(4): 257-67.
3Gardner DL,
Cowdry RW. Suicidal and parasuicidal behavior in borderline personality disorder. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 1985;
8(2): 389-403.
4Zanarini MC, Frankenburg FR. Treatment histories of borderline inpatients. Comprehensive Psychiatry,
in press.
5Zanarini MC, Frankenburg FR, DeLuca CJ, Hennen J, Khera GS, Gunderson JG. The pain of being borderline:
dysphoric states specific to borderline personality disorder. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 1998; 6(4): 201-7.
K, Linehan MM. Research on dialectical behavior therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder. Psychiatric Clinics
of North America, 2000; 23(1): 151-67.
7Siever LJ, Koenigsberg HW. The frustrating no-mans-land of borderline personality
disorder. Cerebrum, The Dana Forum on Brain Science, 2000; 2(4).
8Zanarini MC, Frankenburg. Pathways to the development
of borderline personality disorder. Journal of Personality Disorders, 1997; 11(1): 93-104.
9Zanarini MC. Childhood
experiences associated with the development of borderline personality disorder. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 2000;
23(1): 89-101.
10Davidson RJ, Jackson DC, Kalin NH. Emotion, plasticity, context and regulation: perspectives from
affective neuroscience. Psychological Bulletin, 2000; 126(6): 873-89.
11Davidson RJ, Putnam KM, Larson CL. Dysfunction
in the neural circuitry of emotion regulation - a possible prelude to violence. Science, 2000; 289(5479): 591-4.
6:14 am edt
What Really Goes On When We Sleep & Why Sleep Is So Important.
Brain Connections Strengthen During Waking Hours, Weaken During Sleep
ScienceDaily (Jan. 21, 2008) — Most people
know it from experience: After so many hours of being awake, your brain feels unable to absorb any more--and several hours
of sleep will refresh it.
Now new
research from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health clarifies this phenomenon, supporting the idea
that sleep plays a critical role in the brain's ability to change in response to its environment. This ability, called
plasticity, is at the heart of learning.
The UW-Madison scientists showed by several measures that synapses -- nerve
cell connections central to brain plasticity -- were very strong when rodents had been awake and weak when they had been asleep.
The new findings reinforce the UW-Madison researchers' highly-debated hypothesis about the role of sleep. They believe
that people sleep so that their synapses can downsize and prepare for a new day and the next round of learning and synaptic
The human brain expends up to 80 percent of its energy on synaptic activity, constantly adding and strengthening
connections in response to all kinds of stimulation, explains study author Chiara Cirelli, associate professor of psychiatry.
Given that each of the millions of neurons in the human brain contains thousands of synapses, this energy expenditure "is
huge and can't be sustained.""We need an off-line period, when we are not exposed to the environment, to take
synapses down," Cirelli say. "We believe that's why humans and all living organisms sleep. Without sleep, the
brain reaches a saturation point that taxes its energy budget, its store of supplies and its ability to learn further."
To test the theory, researchers conducted both molecular and electro-physiological studies in rats to evaluate synaptic
potentiation, or strengthening, and depression, or weakening, following sleeping and waking times. In one set of experiments,
they looked at brain slices to measure the number of specific receptors, or binding sites, that had moved to synapses.
"Recent research has shown that as synaptic activity increases, more of these glutamatergic receptors enter the synapse
and make it bigger and stronger," explains Cirelli.
The Wisconsin group was surprised to find that rats had an almost
50 percent receptor increase after a period of wakefulness compared to rats that had been asleep.In a second molecular experiment,
the scientists examined how many of the receptors underwent phosphorylation, another indicator of synaptic potentiation. They
found phosphorylation levels were much higher during waking than sleeping. The results were the same when they measured other
enzymes that are typically active during synaptic potentiation.
To strengthen their case, Cirelli and colleagues also
performed studies in live rats to evaluate electrical signals reflecting synaptic changes at different times. This involved
stimulating one side of each rat's brain with an electrode following waking and sleeping and then measuring the "evoked
response," which is similar to an EEG, on another side.The studies again showed that, for the same levels of stimulation,
responses were stronger following a long period of waking and weaker after sleep, suggesting that synapses must have grown
"Taken together, these molecular and electro-physiological measures fit nicely with the idea that our
brain circuits get progressively stronger during wakefulness and that sleep helps to recalibrate them to a sustainable baseline,"
says Cirelli.
The theory she and collaborator Dr. Giulio Tononi, professor of psychiatry, have developed, called the
synaptic homeostasis hypothesis, runs against the grain of what many scientists currently think about how sleep affects learning.
The most popular notion these days, says Cirelli, is that during sleep synapses are hard at work replaying the information
acquired during the previous waking hours, consolidating that information by becoming even stronger."That's different
from what we think," she says. "We believe that learning occurs only when we are awake, and sleep's main function
is to keep our brains and all its synapses lean and efficient."
This research was published in the Jan. 20,
2008, online version of Nature Neuroscience.
Adapted from materials provided by University of Wisconsin-Madison, via
EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
6:09 am edt
Kenpo Drive Through
Many of you were there for this one and remember. This occured in May 08'. Tim
This month
is the 4 yr anniversary that I opened American Kenpo Karate University, Inc. in my small town of Branford, FL and this afternoon
we celebrated with a bang. A very Large BANG!While teaching my kids class this afternoon a large BANG startled class as two
13 yr old girls drove a car into the side of my school. They attempted to drive off but my shaved head and karate uniform
and black belt running up to the car as the driver attempted to drive off got her to stop and turns out both girls know me
from substitute teaching them at school. [they told the deputy that they were very afraid of me]The passenger was taken to
the hospital on a back board. No one in my school was hurt, but some kids closest to the impact wall shaken up and a lot of
mad, irate parents. Could have been a lot worse. The building wall is caved in several inches and my inside wall is wrecked.
My personal property damage is minimal my one or two floor mats squished where the wall came in and I'll have to paint
after structural repairs are done. There was several tickets written. I pray for the girl and her family and thank God no
one was seriously hurt. Yours in Kenpo, Tim
6:04 am edt
Trained to Kill: Are We Conditioning Our Children to Commit Murder?
Children don't naturally kill; they learn
it from violence in the home and most pervasively, from violence as entertainment in television, movies, and interactive video
The below link is an excellent article concerning kids killing others. I have forwarded
this to school administrators and parents alike. Changes have to be made. Parents, you are the first line of defense in your
childs behavior. Read this article. Tim
6:01 am edt
Burglar loses fight with blind homeowner
Burglar loses fight with blind homeowner
Outmatched and with a knife to his throat, intruder offers to help dial
| Video |
Blind man subdues intruderApril 24: When he encountered an intruder in his home, Allan Kieta subdued him and held
him until the police came — despite being blind. He and his family relate the amazing story in a TODAY exclusive. Today show |
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AP | |
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AP | Animal Tracks From dogs united in matrimony to lazy sea lions, images of creatures great and small. |
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| April 12 - 19From an leaping lemur to a skateboarding pooch, find images of animals great and small. more photos |
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| Best martial arts movies“Enter the Dragon” to “Kill Bill Vol. 1,” a look at some of cinema’s
best martial arts films. more photos |
By Mike
Celizic contributor
updated 9:31
a.m. ET, Thurs., April. 24, 2008
next time Allan Kieta thinks there might be an intruder in his home, he’s not going to rush blindly into a fight for
his life.
The 49-year-old Indianapolis husband and father of two meant that literally
when he said it Thursday on TODAY. Kieta really is blind, but that didn’t stop him from subduing a would-be burglar
24 years his junior with wrestling moves learned more than 30 years ago.
The battle
took place Monday and lasted from 30 to 40 minutes. Kieta wasn’t even supposed to be home, but he decided to take a
day off from work and sleep in. When his pet poodle started barking hysterically, he got out of bed and, instead of calling
911 on the phone or listening to try to determine who was in the house, he opened the bedroom door and went into the hall
— and straight into an intruder.
“He attacked me —
as soon as I ran into him, it was like a war started,” Kieta told TODAY’s Matt Lauer in New York. “It was
like mayhem for the first few seconds till I was able to get him down. Then things started calming down a little bit.”
Some 32 years ago, Kieta had been a champion wrestler in high school, and his father was
a Marine who taught his son some tricks of the trade. Since he couldn’t see to trade punches with the intruder, Kieta
said he knew he had to use his wrestling skills to get the fight onto the floor, where blindness would not be a great handicap.
“In wrestling you have to get control of him, and by doing that you have to go either
forward or you have to turn,” Kieta said. “We were in the hallway, so there wasn’t any way to circle him.
So I basically came straight at him until I could get hold of him and pull him down, and I was on top of him.”
Kieta acted as if it weren’t that big of a deal. Once he got the intruder, later
identified as Alvaro Castro, 25, on the ground, he was able to control him. In doing so, he remembered a trick his father
had told him about and lifted Castro up by his belt, which forced his upper body down.
battle went from the hallway through the laundry room and into the kitchen.
the life-or-death struggle, Kieta kept asking the intruder why he broke into his house.
said, ‘I was looking for my cat.’ I said, ‘Your cat? You’re in my house!’”
tries to dial 911
Castro also said he was looking for Kieta’s daughter, 18-year-old Alexandra;
he also has a 16-year-old son, Allan III. Kieta later learned that Castro had worked with a crew on their yard three years
earlier and had befriended Alexandra and Allan. Kieta figures that Castro thought no one would be home on a Monday morning
and the house would be an easy touch.
Once in the kitchen, Kieta dragged Castro to
the stove and grabbed a large chef’s knife.
“I love to cook and it’s
sitting right beside the stove to the right,” he told Lauer. “The kind of odd thing was, only one knife was left
— it was a big one. All the others were in the dishwasher. It was really easy to find it. It was the only one there
sticking out of the wooden block.”
He held the knife to Castro’s throat
and went for the telephone. With his right arm wrapped around Castro’s neck and near total exhaustion, it took Kieta
about 20 tries to dial 911 with his left hand.
He was so frustrated and Castro was
so terrified that he offered to dial 911 himself. “He said, ‘Please, let me dial it. Please don’t kill me,’
” Kieta said. But he finally got the three digits right and told the operator his situation.
911 tape records him saying, “I have an intruder and right now I have him with a knife.”
he trying to fight with you right now?” the operator asked.
“No, I got
the knife to his neck,” Kieta replied with remarkable calm.Police rushed to the home and arrested Castro. Kieta said
his jaw was sore the next day from a few punches Castro got in, but otherwise he feels fine. But, he added, the next time
his dog starts barking wildly, he’s not going to rush into another fight.
probably should have been a little more cautious,” he said. “Like maybe not just open the door and charge down
the hallway.”
Lauer asked Alexandra if she was impressed by what her father
had done.
“It’s kind of surprising he struggled that long,” she
said, then added: “But he’s pretty beast-like.”
She meant it as
a compliment.
5:55 am edt
This is awesome!
Check out this video clip. It shows several incidences in Super Slow Motion. When it gets to the karate black belt breaking
a block, look at what the impact shock wave does to his hand. Amazing! Tim
5:51 am edt
Uncertain times, increase crime!
Do you Remember that #1 Gun Rule?
'Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he's too old to fight, he'll
just kill you.'
Well, here's the proof:
The 71-year-old retired Marine who opened fire on two robbers
at a Plantation, FL , sub shop late Wednesday, killing one and critically wounding the other, is described as John Lovell,
a former pilot for two presidents. He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he works out everyday. Lovell was a man of
action Wednesday night. According to Plantation police, two masked gunmen came into the Subway at 1949 N. Pine Rd. Just after
11 p.m. There was a lone diner -- Lovell, who was finishing his meal. After robbing the cashier, the two men attempted to
shove Lovell into a bathroom and rob him as well. They got his money. But then Lovell pulled his handgun, opened fire, shooting
one of the thieves in the head and chest and the other in the head. When police arrived, they found one of the men in the
shop. K-9 units found the other in the bushes of a nearby business.
They also found cash strewn around the front
of the sandwich shop according to Detective Robert Rettig of the Plantation Police Department. Both men were taken to Broward
General Medical Center, where one, Donicio Arrindell, 22, of North Lauderdale died. The other, 21-year-old Frederick Gadson
of Fort Lauderdale is in critical but stable condition.
A longtime friend of Lovell, was not surprised to hear
what happened. ''He'd give you the shirt off his back, and he'd be mad if someone tried to take the shirt
off your back,'' he said. Lovell worked
as a pilot for the Marines, flying former Presidents John F. Kennedy
and Lyndon B. Johnson.
He later worked as a pilot for Pan Am and Delta. Lovell is not married and does not have
He is not expected to be charged, authorities said ''He was in fear for his life,'' Rettig
said. 'These criminals ought to realize that most men in their 70's have military backgrounds and aren't intimidated
by idiots.
The only thing he could be charged with is participating in an unfair fight. One 71 -year young Marine
against two punks.
Two head shots and one center-body-mass shot - good shooting! That'll teach them not to get between
a Marine and his meal. Don't you just love a story with a happy ending?
(Florida law allows law-abiding citizens
to carry a concealed weapon.)
Semper Fi
5:41 am edt
Multiple Attackers
The author's thinking is aligned with what Ed Parker thought about tying
up his hands by grabbing one guy.
I've hammered home the importance of the cold hard fact: "you do what
you train". Anything you do in a training environment is exactly how you are conditioning yourself to respond in a life-or-death
situation. Most of my clients understand this principle in applying trauma to the body. They are careful to insure that they
strike with a tight fist or make sure that they complete the rotation of their body to deploy maximum force upon the given
target area of the other guy.So where do problems occur? Most people train for a one-on-one confrontation.They are excellent
at handling the one guy but add in another guy... and watch the meltdown occur.I was training a well-known counter-terror
unit a few years back and let them see first-hand the danger in this oversight.They had been training heavily in a well-known
ju-jitsu system prior to my course. This was a combat sport-based system that is very effective in the ring.But it does no
good to tell people that what they trained may have problems associated with it because often they have a strong emotional
attachment to the training. Better to let them see a gap and then offer a solution.So I asked for the best grappler of the
group to don his field gear and go to the end of the training hall. I then grabbed 3 other members of the unit and had them
do a simple "sacrificial lamb" attack. This is where one guy engages the prey and locks him up, then the other 2
swoop in for the kill.Well, sure enough, the first guy engages and is quickly taken to the ground by the fighter and put in
a very painful arm-bar. This guy was amazingly good at ju-jitsu and would be a terror in the ring -- except this wasn't
a ring, and there was no ref. In fact, no sooner had the arm-bar been applied than the other 2 were upon him, had his weapons
and could have "killed" him at any time.This simple gangbanger attack easily defeated a highly trained operator
because he had handled a multifight like a sport competition. In fact, the unit later confessed that they had never trained
with their weapons on the whole time they trained "hand-to-hand". The focus had been more to see who could make
the other "tap out" first. This is a dangerous way to train for a lethal criminal confrontation.You must always
treat every confrontation as having multiple guys. You need to be instructed how to be a "360-degree" fighter and
to be aware of your surroundings at all times. In TFT, all fighting is against multiple guys even in a one-on-one training
session. This means as I take out my current victim I'm aware of my surroundings and SEARCHING for my next victim.The
training methods we use are beyond the scope of this newsletter. But if you've never really trained for multiple guys
then you've never trained for life-or-death confrontations. Don't make that mistake.
Until next time,Tim Larkin
Creator of Target-Focus(TM) Training
5:39 am edt
Improving Reading Skills
Carnegie Mellon brain imaging study illustrates how remedial instruction helps poor readers
Poor readers achieved
brain activation levels seen in skilled readers after 100 hours of extra trainingJust as a disciplined exercise regimen helps
human muscles become stronger and perform better, specialized workouts for the brain can boost cognitive skills, according
to Carnegie Mellon scientists. Their new brain imaging study of poor readers found that 100 hours of remedial instruction
- reading calisthenics, of sorts, aimed to shore up problem areas - not only improved the skills of struggling readers, but
also changed the way their brains activated when they comprehended written sentences.The results may pave the way to a new
era of neuro-education.Carnegie Mellon researchers say poor readers initially have less activation in the parietotemporal
area of the brain, which is the region responsible for decoding the sounds of written language and assembling them into words
and phrases that make up a sentence, than do good readers. However, remedial instruction increases the struggling readers'
activation to near normal levels.This also was the first brain imaging study in which children were tested on their understanding
of the meanings of sentences, not just on their recognition of single words."This study demonstrates how the plasticity
of the human brain can work for the benefit of remedial learning," says neuroscientist Marcel Just, director of Carnegie
Mellon's Center for Cognitive Brain Imaging (CCBI), and senior author of the new study currently available on the Web
site of the journal Neuropsychologia. "We are at the beginning of a new era of neuro-education."The poor readers
worked in groups of three for an hour a day with a reading "personal trainer," a teacher specialized in administering
a remedial reading program. The training included both word decoding exercises in which students were asked to recognize the
word in its written form and tasks in using reading comprehension strategies. The poor readers were 25 fifth-graders taken
from a stratified sample from schools in Allegheny County, which is home to Pittsburgh and a number of its surrounding municipalities.Using
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), CCBI Research Fellows Ann Meyler and Tim Keller measured blood flow to all of
the different parts of the brain while children were reading and found that that the parietotemporal areas were significantly
less activated among the poor readers than in the control group. The sound-based representation that is constructed in the
parietal areas is then processed for the meanings of the words and the structure of the sentence, activating other brain areas.The
sentences were relatively straightforward ones, which the children judged as being sensible or nonsense, such as "The
girl closed the gate" and "The man fed the dress." The children's accurate sensibility judgments ensured
that they were actually processing the meaning of the sentences, and not just recognizing the individual words.Further, the
activation increases in the previously underactivating areas remained evident well after the intensive instruction had ended.
When the children's brains were scanned one year after instruction, their neural gains were not only maintained but became
more solidified."With the right kind of intensive instruction, the brain can begin to permanently rewire itself and overcome
reading deficits, even if it can't entirely eliminate them," Just said.These findings of initial parietotemporal
underactivation among poor readers provide evidence against a common misconception about dyslexia. There is a persistent but
incorrect belief that dyslexia is primarily caused by difficulties in the visual perception of letters, leading to confusions
between letters like "p" and "d". However, such visual difficulties are the cause of dyslexia in only
about 10 percent of the cases. The most common cause, accounting for more than 70 percent of dyslexia, is a difficulty in
relating the visual form of a letter to its sound, which is not a straightforward process in the English language. The same
parietotemporal areas of the brain that showed increased activation following instruction are centrally involved in this sound-based
processing.The findings also give hope to using the marvels of brain plasticity for instructional purposes in "new"
(for the brain) subject areas. "The human brain did not evolve to process written language, which is a cultural invention
dating back only 5000 years," Just said. "Some people's brains happen to be less proficient at relating written
symbols to the sounds of language, and they need focused instruction to get those areas up to an adequate level of performance."
Other skills that may be valuable as newer technologies (than written language) arise should also be amenable to neuroinstruction."Any
kind of education is a matter of training the brain. When poor readers are learning to read, a particular brain area is not
performing as well as it might, and remedial instruction helps to shape that area up," Just said. "This finding
shows that poor readers can be helped to develop buff brains. A similar approach should apply to other skills."
5:36 am edt
Hitting Your Targets
I sent this info out recently before I had a blog. This is an excerpt as
posted in Lee Wedlakes blog. TW
Shot (Strike) Placement
Tim Walker sent this in. It's about shot placement and refers to handguns but
the information as to psychological "Superman Effect" is also applicable to unarmed combat. This is just a part
of the article, published by Frontsite, and shooting school in Nevada. One of my friends went there recently and said it's
worth going back to take again.
Pay close attention to the following facts:
1. Range was 20 feet.
Three officers involved.
3. One adversary, 18 years old.
4. Officers used M4s with 55 grain and 75 grain .223 ammunition
and Glock 22’s with Speer 180 grain Gold Dot ammunition.
5. Adversary used .45 ACP handgun.
6. Trace amounts
of marijuana in adversary’s system.
7. 107 rounds fired by two officers with 17 rounds striking adversary (16%
hit ratio).
8. Of the 17 hits, 11 created exit wounds.
9. NO HEAD SHOT DELIVERED by officers at range of 20 feet
from either their rifles or handguns.
10. Adversary fired 26 rounds and reloaded magazine from a box of loose ammunition.
11. Incident lasted approximately 3.5 minutes.
12. When adversary was no longer able to return fire, officers still
had to “fight” to get him handcuffed.
13. Interesting tattoos on very dedicated adversary.
14. I would
add under the FBI’s Lessons Learned Section that when you do not inflict immediate, incapacitating damage to your adversary,
you often create a “Superman Effect” in your adversary from the normal physiologic response to significant, but
non-life threatening injury.
I experienced this myself when I broke both arms in an all terrain vehicle accident 20 years
ago. I distinctly remember looking at both wrists, twisted and broken, but remarkably felt NO PAIN. I was so surprised by
the lack of pain that I actually shook the wrists a bit in disbelief! I then crossed my arms, holding the wrists close to
my body for support, and JOGGED back toward camp for several minutes before the pain began and then quickly intensified to
the point where any movement of my body was extremely painful. It is during this brief but significant period of NO PAIN that
your adversary can fight you like a “Superman” even though you may be continuing to deliver hits to his body.
5:33 am edt
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Labor Day Mini Kenpo Camp
Labor Day weekend mini-camp was attended by 15 children and 20 adults from six states.
Steve White's seminar for
business owners was very well received. The children's seminar was co-taught by Florida's Tim Walker and South Carolina's
Bruce Meyer. Bruce remarked that one of the kids talked with him afterwards and told him the last time he had visited he was
a yellow belt and now he's going for brown. All the kids had a good time and got participation certificates. Thanks to
Zwarg's Karate and Gulf Coast
for their support. (That's Tim in the photo).
Saturday's seminar was kicked off by Mr. Meyer, who taught aspects
of developing and executing self-defense demos and competition routines. The battle cry was "You gotta sell it!"
Steve White followed with a dynamic presentation of how to increase your knowledge by looking into your sequences instead
of just collecting more "stuff".
A lunch break included some presentations. Jim
an artist from South Carolina and black belt under Bruce Meyer, was present. Jim does portraits of fallen soldiers for the
families and gave me a book of them. Two members of the Special Forces Motorcycle Club were on hand to be part of the presentation,
Bo McCormick and Bill Hood, shown in the photo below. SFMC is giving Jim a certificate of appreciation for his efforts. We
had all the veterans of the armed Forces present jump in the photo too, also below.
Ed Cabrera taught a great class
on infusing boxing into
Kenpo, followed by my presentation on the overkill principle.
The seminar was concluded with a short session in which some of us present who knew Mr. Parker told a few stories and answered
questions. Ed Cabrera, Lance
Soares, Tony
Bruce Meyer, Dr. Francis Rene, Steve White, and myself comprised a panel, which was a lot of fun.
Many in the group joined
us for dinner that evening. Sunday morning the out-of-state participants left, some of them had to change their flights home
due to Hurricane Gustav.
Below is an e-mail I received after the camp.
Dear Mr.
I just want to drop you a short note to tell you how much I enjoyed the camp.
"Drinking from a fire hydrant"
is a big understatement! Each one of the segments presented by you, Mr. White, Mr. Meyer and Mr. "Eddie" Cabrera
was unique and well thought of with many useful 'take away' concepts.
Just as important, it was a lot of fun
to work out with buddies from all over the country and exchange ideas with them.
Finally, getting insights about Mr.
Parker's life and personality from people that met him was a wonderful ending.
All in all, it was a terrific experience...
Thank you for making it happen!
Cordially / Carlos
If you were there, thanks for your support. If you missed it,
I hope you can make a future event.
9:23 am edt
Husband & Wife fight off Armed Intruder
Monroe couple describe how they fought off armed man
Jackson Holtz, Herald WriterMONROE -- A few hours before Donna Angevine smacked an intruder in the head more than 20 times with a baseball
bat early Thursday, she was sparring with her tae kwan do instructor.He had to egg her on."Hit me," the instructor
told her. Be aggressive.The self-defense and martial arts training paid off for the Monroe woman, 45, when she and her husband,
Roger Angevine, woke up to find a man in their bedroom."I'm here to rob you," they remember him saying.Nearly
a week later, the couple has stitches and deep purple bruises. Donna Angevine has a black eye. Her husband, 48, has a foot-long
bruise on his side and a bite mark on his thigh.The carpet in their bedroom, where the attack occurred, was removed. Police
said the blood from the fight rendered it a biohazard and it needed to be destroyed.The intruder is behind bars.Taking a break
from mowing their lawn Tuesday, the couple -- he's a retired business owner and she's a doggie fashion designer --
recounted their ordeal.Roger Angevine said at first he thought maybe the intruder was a friend pulling a prank. He asked the
man if he was serious."Does this feel serious?" the stranger said.Angevine felt the sharp slap of a baseball bat
against his torso.The blow triggered a 15-minute struggle.The man ordered the couple, who were naked and unarmed, to
the ground.That's when Roger Angevine decided to fight back.He tackled the intruder, hitting him with such force that
he knocked the man's head through the drywall."My goal was to grab onto his wrists and hold on," Roger Angevine
said.An avid snowmobiler, Roger Angevine said he knows how to grip handlebars strong enough to save his life. Grasping the
man's wrists was similar.The couple was able to take away the intruder's gun and baseball bat."Hit him! Hit him!
Hit him!" Roger Angevine yelled to his wife.Again and again, Donna Angevine swung the bat at the man's head. She
pleaded with him to stop fighting, but he continued."Please stop fighting," she said. "I don't want to
hurt you anymore."The fight went back and forth from the bedroom into an adjoining weight room. The two men wrestled
while Donna Angevine kept swinging the bat.At one point, the intruder bit Roger Angevine's thigh."That's actually
what pissed me off," he said.Finally, the intruder succumbed. The couple hog-tied him with belts and Donna Angevine sat
on him until Snohomish County sheriff's deputies arrived."I came to make a quick buck," the man, 24, told police,
according to court papers.He said he walked from his Bothell home to the couple's residence at the end of a long private
road in rural Monroe, the documents said."You have a lovely home," the man told the couple during the robbery attempt.
"I thought you'd have lots of cash."The intruder was hospitalized Thursday with a head wound. On Friday, he
was booked into the Snohomish County Jail for investigation of first-degree burglary, first-degree robbery, second-degree
assault and possession of a stolen firearm. He was being held Tuesday on $100,000 bail.Police found in the man's backpack
a knife, plastic zip ties, white nylon rope, black duct tape and a single roll of toilet paper, potentially for use in gagging
his victims.Roger Angevine said he finds it hard to believe someone would randomly stumble upon the house he and his wife
built eight years ago. The intruder also seemed to know the layout of the house.The man slipped in through an unlocked door,
fetched a slab of bacon from the kitchen to lure the couple's three dogs away and found the bedroom amid the sprawling
floor plan, Angevine said.Snohomish County detectives continue to investigate the break-in. The Angevines acted in self-defense
and will not face charges, officials said.The couple said they're locking their doors and have beefed up their security
plan.They hope their ordeal will provide a cautionary tale to others."You can't rely on locked doors to stop a guy
with a gun, baseball bat and a mission," Roger Angevine said. "You have to be able to defend yourself."On Tuesday
night, Donna Angevine said she continued her self-defense training at a session for women at Tiger Rock tae kwon do in Monroe."The
guy just picked the wrong people to mess with," she said.
9:21 am edt